(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity for the action)
TALENT: Charging StrikeWhen starting your action with at least one space between you and the opponent, then you can activate this talent to add the rank of this talent to your or your mount's movement and to your melee or unarmed attack when moving in a straight line to attack that opponent. If the attack is successful, it generates one additional damage per rank in this talent.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity for the action)
TALENT: Critical ShotAdd the rank of this talent to the damage of a ranged attack.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity for the action)
TALENT: Dual Weapon DefenseWhen wielding two one handed weapons, you can add the rank of this skill to your defense roll. By activating this talent, you may also defend against ranged weapons using your two weapons.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity for the action)
TALENT: Dual Weapon Second StrikeWhen attacking with a one handed weapon in which you miss (your final attack scores less than the final defense of your opponent), you can then make another attack with a second one handed weapon in another hand. Add the rank of this talent to the second attack roll.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity for the action)
TALENT: Dual Weapon Twin StrikeYou may attack using two one handed weapons, one wielded in each hand. Add the rank of this talent to your attack roll and roll one advantage impact die when determining impact from the action If the action is to cause damage, you also include the damage of the second weapon.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity for the action)
TALENT: Elemental AuraChoose an elemental type when you select this talent (the same options as elementalism stances). You can activate an aura that causes an amount of the chosen elemental damage equal to the rank of this talent to everyone in an adjascent space to you.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity for the action)
TALENT: Enhanced MobilityAdd a number of spaces equal to the rank of this talent to your movement speed. When you would generate an attack of opportunity, you avoid opportunity attacks from a number of opponents equal to the rank of this talent. This talent can be used multiple times to move further and avoid more attacks.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity for the action)
TALENT: Enhanced ReflexesAdd the rank of this talent to your reactions skill rolls. If this is in response to something coming towards you, you may automatically catch it instead of dodging if it can be caught. (A rock or thrown knife could be caught, while a bullet or bolt of fire ordinarily could not).
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity for the action)
TALENT: Expertise: Choose SkillChoose a skill when you select this talent. Add half the rank of this talent (rounded up) to the impact generated for the chosen skill.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity for the action)
TALENT: Frightening PresenceAdd the rank of this talent to your intimidation roll. You can intimidate one additional character per rank in this talent, roll each intimidation check separately. When intimidating, you can do it with your appearance alone and do not need direct interaction (it does still take an action), but the characters that are being intimidated must be see or hear you.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity for the action)
TALENT: Grapple ExpertIf you succeed at applying a grapple condition to an opponent, you may immediately roll to attempt to put the opponent in a lock. Add the rank of this skill to the roll to apply the lock condition.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity for the action)
TALENT: MultitaskerYou can perform two completely different types of tasks at simultaneously, for example: picking a lock and attacking with a ranged weapon at the same time.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity for the action)
TALENT: Object ReadingYou can read the history of an object or room that you can touch using your occult or concentration skill. The narrator estabishes the challenge rating of the effort depending on how far back you would like to view and how long ago the object or room was utilized by what you would like to see. Upon success, roll your concentration skill impact dice to find out how many glimpses or details you can see.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity for the action)
TALENT: Pierce ThroughWhen you attack with a ranged weapon, add the rank of this talent to only your first aim skill roll. Your attack then continues on in a straight line through to the next target within the range of the weapon. Roll an additional attack on each target. This piercing attack can continue on this way for a number of targets up to the rank of this talent or the range of the weapon.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity for the action)
TALENT: Point Blank ShotWhen attacking with a ranged weapon in melee range, the action still counts as a ranged attack action (normally ranged attacks in melee range count as a melee attack action). Add the rank of this talent to your ranged attack roll when using a ranged weapon in melee range.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity for the action)
TALENT: Portal RenderA portal render can slash open a portal in space between two locations within range. If someone steps through a portal in one location, they will appear in the other location. Each portal can be created within 10 spaces per rank in this talent. If a portal is opened on someone, it will cause slicing damage equal to your impact dice +2. The person attacked by the portal can then choose to remain to move to an adjascent space next to the new portal or to appear on the other side of the portal. A portal will last for until your next turn unless you spend an action to mainain it and keep it open. If opening a portal outside of an encounter, you can take a minute to focus on a location that you know and spend a 10acity point in order to open a portal over much greater distances. The narrator will establish a challenge rating for the portal based on the distance and how familiar you are with the location, then you can roll your concentration or occult skill adding the rank of this talent to your skill roll in order to attempt to open the portal. If the skill check fails, your 10acity point is still used as a portal blinks in and out for a moment before disappearing.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity for the action)
TALENT: Power AttackAdd the rank of this talent to the damage of a melee attack.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity for the action)
TALENT: Power BurstWhen using an stance special ability, you may activate this talent to create a larger effect. The size is one additional adjacent space per rank in this talent.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity for the action)
TALENT: Power SurgeAdd the rank of this talent to the damage of any attack performed using an stance's Special Ability
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity for the action)
TALENT: PrecognitionBy spending a 10acity point (this ability cannot be used with Spin), you can concentrate on possible futures, and create an amount of positive spin equal to the rank of this talent+1. This positive spin can be divided among yourself and your allies in any way you choose.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity for the action)
TALENT: Psychic SensitivityYou can psychically read the emotions, surface thoughts, and intents of living creatures within range (10 spaces per rank) without needing line of sight. Add the rank of this talent when rolling insight against the target's concentration check. Upon success, the insight impact roll will determine how many emotions, thoughts, and/or intents you can pick up.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity for the action)
TALENT: Reality BenderTBD
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity for the action)
TALENT: RegenerationAs part of your standard action, you can regenerate stress equal to your strength skill impact roll plus the rank of this talent. Regeneration from unconsciousness requires you to spend your entire action on regenerating. Once per day when outside of an encounter, you can spend a 10acity point to begin regenerating wounds. Roll your strength skill impact dice plus the rank of this talent and apply the result to your recovery total.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity for the action)
TALENT: ReposteWhen attacked by a melee or unarmed attack that misses you (your final defense result is higher than their final attack result), you can immediately roll a melee or unarmed attack against the attacker in which they defend against normally. Both the original attack and repose are happen simultaneously and does not take an action.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity for the action)
TALENT: RicochetAdd the rank of this talent to your ranged attack roll. When attacking with a ranged weapon, the weapon can bounce off of objects in order to find their target up to the limit of the range of the weapon. The weapon can bounce from one object for every rank in this talent, though it can only cause damage to one target.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity for the action)
TALENT: Sacrifice StrikeWhen attacked by a melee or unarmed attack that hits you and causes damage (your final defense result is less than the final attack result against you), you can immediately roll a melee or unarmed attack against the attacker in which they defend against as normally. Both attacks and results are applied simultaneously.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity for the action)
TALENT: Shield ExpertAs a reaction you can give anyone within one space of you (including yourself) a bonus to their defense roll equal to the rank of this skill.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity for the action)
TALENT: Skill Focus: Choose SkillChoose a skill when you select this talent. Add the rank of this talent to the skill roll of any action with that skill. This talent can be taken multiple times choosing a different skill each time.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity for the action)
TALENT: Sneak AttackWhen attacking an opponent by surprise (not knowing the attack is coming) or when distracted (melee flanking with another ally), then add the rank of this talent to the attack. If the attack is successful, it generates one additional damage per rank in this talent.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity for the action)
TALENT: SniperAdd the rank of this talent to your aim roll. The range of your weapon is increased by an amount of spaces equal to ten (10) times the rank of this talent.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity for the action)
TALENT: Spellweaver Rune CasterYou can cast spells from written runes. You require the formula for the spell as well as elemental activation crystals as a component. Each spell has a set up time of 1 action or more before you can activate the spell. Elemental activation crystals come in forms of Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Thought, Life, and Spirit. Each crystal has a quality that can give an additional skill bonus or impact bonus to the spell, the higher the quality of the gem, then the higher the bonus. Some spells cost multiple types of gems, the spell will specify if this is necessary. Elemental activation gems can be found, purchased, or created by characters with the appropriate elementalism stance and rank.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity for the action)
TALENT: Stealth EvaderWhen defending against an attack that would be hindered by the attackers inability to see you clearly, you can use your stealth roll as a defense for melee or ranged attacks. Add the rank of this talent to your roll when defending in this way.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity for the action)
TALENT: Sweep AttackWhen holding a melee weapon with two hands, your attack continues circularly to also attack additional targets within your melee range. Add the rank of this talent to the attack roll of the first attack only. Roll separate attack rolls for each target. This sweeping attack can continue in this way for a number of targets up to the rank of this talent.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity for the action)
TALENT: Materializer CraftingEither by constructing it with nanites, willing it into existence, creating physical illusion, or through some other explanation, you can instantly craft an object within your range. The narrator will establish a challenge rating for the object based on complexity, then you roll your craft skill plus the rank of this talent to see if you can create that object. If you succeed, roll your crafting impact dice to determine how much mass you can create. The larger the object, the longer it will take to create. For every point of impact, you can create half of a space of mass. If you do not roll high enough to craft the desired object, then you continue rolling every round until you acrue enough impact to create the object. You can only have as many objects created at one time as the rank of this talent. Created object(s) will last for the duration of the scene unless another point is expended to extend them into the next scene. The difficulty is based on what the item can do more so that how many parts it is made of. A motorcycle is a complex machine in composition, but very basic in what it does, which is carry you quickly on two wheels. So a motorcycle would not be difficult to create. A computer or particle accelerator performs much more complex actions, and so would be more difficult to create.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity for the action)
TALENT: TeleportationTeleport up to 10 spaces per rank of this talent. This talent can be used as part of a reaction to avoid a physical or line of sight attack and in that case add the rank of the talent to the defense roll of the reaction skill. You can bring any equipment you are carrying or creatures that you are grappling. If teleporting outside of an encounter, you can take a minute to focus on a location that you know and spend a 10acity point in order to teleport much greater distances. The narrator will establish a challenge rating for the teleportation based on the distance and how familiar you are with the location, then you can roll your concentration or occult skill adding the rank of this talent to your skill check in order to attempt the teleportation. If the teleportation fails, your 10acity point is still used as you flash in and out of space for a moment before reappearing exactly where you started.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity for the action)
TALENT: Weapon MasteryChoose a specific type of weapon (swords, axes, pistols, rifles, etc.), when you fail at an attack or defense with that weapon, you can use this talent to roll again and this time add a bonus equal to the rank of this talent to the result.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity to Enter Stance)
STANCE: Animal SpeakFor the duration of this stance, you may communicate with animals within range of your voice.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity to Enter Stance)
STANCE: Battle Agility FormBecome more dexterous at the cost of physical vitality. Whether from a martial arts form, a battle trance, or by transforming into a completely different shape—you have the ability to enter a stance that gives you an additional advantage die on all of your dexterity skill rolls, but at the cost of having a disadvantage die on all of your vitality skill rolls. If you are transforming into another shape, it can be as different or similar to your original shape as you like. This shape is always the same each time you change into it, if you would like different battle form shapes or abilities, you can take this stance again to have the option of taking a different form. When you choose the Battle Form Stance, you select whether your shape stays the same or you can build the appearance of the new shape using the standard character appearance rules. The Narrator may choose to give an advantage or disadvantage to certain actions such as intimidate, social encounters, manipulating small objects, etc. as appropriate for the new shape. Once you have a Battle Form, you can purchase additional Battle Form features that automatically apply to this form.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity to Enter Stance)
STANCE: Battle Awareness FormBecome more aware at the cost of physical vitality . Whether from a martial arts form, a battle trance, or by transforming into a completely different shape—you have the ability to enter a stance that gives you an additional advantage die on all of your awareness skill rolls, but at the cost of having a disadvantage die on all of your vitality skill rolls. If you are transforming into another shape, it can be as different or similar to your original shape as you like. This shape is always the same each time you change into it, if you would like different battle form shapes or abilities, you can take this stance again to have the option of taking a different form. When you choose the Battle Form Stance, you select whether your shape stays the same or you can build the appearance of the new shape using the standard character appearance rules. The Narrator may choose to give an advantage or disadvantage to certain actions such as intimidate, social encounters, manipulating small objects, etc. as appropriate for the new shape. Once you have a Battle Form, you can purchase additional Battle Form features that automatically apply to this form.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity to Enter Stance)
STANCE: Battle Strength FormBecome more physically adept at the cost of awareness. Whether from a martial arts form, a battle trance, or by transforming into a completely different shape—you have the ability to enter a stance that gives you an additional advantage die on all of your vitality skill rolls, but at the cost of having a disadvantage die on all of your awareness skill rolls. If you are transforming into another shape, it can be as different or similar to your original shape as you like. This shape is always the same each time you change into it, if you would like different battle form shapes or abilities, you can take this stance again to have the option of taking a different form. When you choose the Battle Form Stance, you select whether your shape stays the same or you can build the appearance of the new shape using the standard character appearance rules. The Narrator may choose to give an advantage or disadvantage to certain actions such as intimidate, social encounters, manipulating small objects, etc. as appropriate for the new shape. Once you have a Battle Form, you can purchase additional Battle Form features that automatically apply to this form.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity to Enter Stance)
STANCE: Blur and Blend StealthFor the duration of this stance, you can attempt to use stealth even while being observed by blurring and blending your form into your surroundings. While in this stance, you can also use the stealth skill instead of the reaction skill to avoid physical attacks.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity to Enter Stance)
STANCE: ClairvoyantWhen you enter this stance, choose a location within range. While in this stance, you can choose to see or hear as if you were in that location. The range is 10 spaces per rank of this stance When you enter this stance, choose a location within range. While in this stance, you can choose to see or hear as if you were in that location. The range is 10 spaces per rank in this stance and cannot be moved once established without entering the stance again.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity to Enter Stance)
STANCE: Crafter CombatIf you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a knife or a sword... When using a tool as a melee weapon, attacks and defense can be performed using the craft skill skill instead of the melee combat skill.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity to Enter Stance)
STANCE: Dance FightingWhen fighting unarmed, you can use your perform skill to attack and defend instead of unarmed combat.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity to Enter Stance)
STANCE: Deception StrikerWhen wielding small, flexible, or distracting melee weapons like daggers, whips, and fans, you can use your deception skill for attacks and defense instead of melee combat skill as long as your target can visually see you.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity to Enter Stance)
STANCE: Dex FighterWhen using small one handed melee or throwable weapons, attacks and defense can be performed using the legerdemain skill instead of melee or aim skills.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity to Enter Stance)
STANCE: Eidolon SummoningSummon a creature or construct within range with whom you share your actions each round. This eidolon is designed as a regular character which is three (3) levels lower than your current level (minimum 1) and has half the amount of your special abilities. Your eidolon shares your 10acity points and Spin. The eidolon can move up to 10 spaces away from you per rank in this stance and will persist for as long as you remain in your stance or until it takes damage equal or greater than its maximum stress and is out of wound to absorb the damage. The appearance of the eidolon can be anything as discussed with the narrator, however it does not have any equipment or armor beyond their abilities or what is supplied to them upon summoning.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity to Enter Stance)
STANCE: Elementalist: AirThe summoning and manipulation of air, smoke, and mist. For the duration of this stance, you can sense aspects of this element within your range by using your perception skill. You may spend an action to use concentration skill or occult skill to summon or manipulate this element within your range into a desired shape. This shape can be up to the size of 1 cubic space and at a range of up to 5 spaces per rank of this stance. You can make basic shapes easily, but if you are looking to make a complex shape like the form of a person, you will need to roll a craft skill check against a challenge rank assigned by the narrator (average: trained 2d6). Once a shape is formed, you can maintain that shape for as long as you remain in the stance. If the form of the element is created as a weapon or a tool, you can hold and wield it as such. As an action you can either move the shape up to 5 spaces plus one space per rank of this stance in any direction, you can change the shape of the element, or you can release your elemental creation and form another one within your range. If you attack with this element, you can use the aim skill or melee combat skill skill as appropriate for the weapon created, or you can use concentration skill or occult skill to attack if summoning the element at the target in its raw form. If defending with this element, you may use melee combat skill, concentration skill, or occult skill as appropriate, but the defense needs to make sense according to the narrative. For example, if you are defending against a physical object using an intangible element, the Narrator may rule that it is not possible to use this element for that defense. DAMAGE: Direct damage is crushing damage dealing your skill impact dice roll +0. CONDITIONS: conditions are mostly based on suffocation to weaken or cause ongoing physical stress. Attacks are normally defended with the strength skill to resist, melee shield deflection, or reaction skill to move out of the way or prevent locking onto the target. The player may of course make other suggestions to the narrator for a different skill that could also make sense as the defense. ACTIONS: Ability to move objects with bursts of air. The ability can manifest as Clear, Misty, or Smoky.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity to Enter Stance)
STANCE: Elementalist: ElectricityThe summoning and manipulation of electricity and lightning. For the duration of this stance, you can sense aspects of this element within your range by using your perception skill. You may spend an action to use concentration skill or occult skill to summon or manipulate this element within your range into a desired shape. This shape can be up to the size of 1 cubic space and at a range of up to 5 spaces per rank of this stance. You can make basic shapes easily, but if you are looking to make a complex shape like the form of a person, you will need to roll a craft skill check against a challenge rank assigned by the narrator (average: trained 2d6). Once a shape is formed, you can maintain that shape for as long as you remain in the stance. If the form of the element is created as a weapon or a tool, you can hold and wield it as such. As an action you can either move the shape up to 5 spaces plus one space per rank of this stance in any direction, you can change the shape of the element, or you can release your elemental creation and form another one within your range. If you attack with this element, you can use the aim skill or melee combat skill skill as appropriate for the weapon created, or you can use concentration skill or occult skill to attack if summoning the element at the target in its raw form. If defending with this element, you may use melee combat skill, concentration skill, or occult skill as appropriate, but the defense needs to make sense according to the narrative. For example, if you are defending against a physical object using an intangible element, the Narrator may rule that it is not possible to use this element for that defense. DAMAGE: Direct damage is electricity damage dealing your skill impact dice roll +2. CONDITIONS: conditions are mostly based on hindering muscle movement with electricution. Attacks are normally defended with the strength skill to resist, non-metalic melee shield deflection, or reaction skill to move out of the way or prevent locking onto the target. The player may of course make other suggestions to the narrator for a different skill that could also make sense as the defense. ACTIONS: Can charge, power, or overload and short out electronics on an appropriate roll against the narrators chosen difficulty level.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity to Enter Stance)
STANCE: Elementalist: FireThe summoning and manipulation of heat and fire. For the duration of this stance, you can sense aspects of this element within your range by using your perception skill. You may spend an action to use concentration skill or occult skill to summon or manipulate this element within your range into a desired shape. This shape can be up to the size of 1 cubic space and at a range of up to 5 spaces per rank of this stance. You can make basic shapes easily, but if you are looking to make a complex shape like the form of a person, you will need to roll a craft skill check against a challenge rank assigned by the narrator (average: trained 2d6). Once a shape is formed, you can maintain that shape for as long as you remain in the stance. If the form of the element is created as a weapon or a tool, you can hold and wield it as such. As an action you can either move the shape up to 5 spaces plus one space per rank of this stance in any direction, you can change the shape of the element, or you can release your elemental creation and form another one within your range. If you attack with this element, you can use the aim skill or melee combat skill skill as appropriate for the weapon created, or you can use concentration skill or occult skill to attack if summoning the element at the target in its raw form. If defending with this element, you may use melee combat skill, concentration skill, or occult skill as appropriate, but the defense needs to make sense according to the narrative. For example, if you are defending against a physical object using an intangible element, the Narrator may rule that it is not possible to use this element for that defense. DAMAGE: Direct damage is fire damage dealing your skill impact dice roll +3. CONDITIONS: conditions are mostly based on burning to cause ongoing damage. Attacks are normally defended with melee shield deflection or reaction skill to move out of the way or prevent locking onto the target. The player may of course make other suggestions to the narrator for a different skill that could also make sense as the defense. ACTIONS: Can produce light and heat
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity to Enter Stance)
STANCE: Elementalist: LifeThe manipulation of life force. For the duration of this stance, you can sense life energy and living beings at a range of up to 5 spaces per rank by using your perception skill. By using an action to manipulate life force, you can heal or harm living beings. When in this stance, you can use concentration skill or occult skill to treat injuries rather than your medicine skill. While in this stance, you can heal or harm another living creature using your concentration or occult skill. Healing a creature does not require a skill check unless the creature chooses to resist the healing. HEALING: Healing is regenerative energy that restores your skill's impact dice roll +1. DAMAGE: Direct damage is necrotic damage dealing your skill impact dice roll +1. CONDITIONS are based off of weakening parts of the body or causing ongoing necrotic damage. Attacks are normally defended with the strength skill to resist or a reaction skill to prevent the attack from locking on to their target, but the player may of course make other suggestions to the narrator for a different skill that could also make sense as the defense.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity to Enter Stance)
STANCE: Elementalist: LightThe summoning and manipulation of light. For the duration of this stance, you can sense aspects of this element within your range by using your perception skill. You may spend an action to use concentration skill or occult skill to summon or manipulate this element within your range into a desired shape. This shape can be up to the size of 1 cubic space and at a range of up to 5 spaces per rank of this stance. You can make basic shapes easily, but if you are looking to make a complex shape like the form of a person, you will need to roll a craft skill check against a challenge rank assigned by the narrator (average: trained 2d6). Once a shape is formed, you can maintain that shape for as long as you remain in the stance. If the form of the element is created as a weapon or a tool, you can hold and wield it as such. As an action you can either move the shape up to 5 spaces plus one space per rank of this stance in any direction, you can change the shape of the element, or you can release your elemental creation and form another one within your range. If you attack with this element, you can use the aim skill or melee combat skill skill as appropriate for the weapon created, or you can use concentration skill or occult skill to attack if summoning the element at the target in its raw form. If defending with this element, you may use melee combat skill, concentration skill, or occult skill as appropriate, but the defense needs to make sense according to the narrative. For example, if you are defending against a physical object using an intangible element, the Narrator may rule that it is not possible to use this element for that defense. DAMAGE: Direct damage is fire damage dealing your skill impact dice roll +0. CONDITIONS: conditions are mostly based on utilizing bright lights to blind. Attacks are normally defended with melee shield deflection or reaction skill to move out of the way or prevent locking onto the target. The player may of course make other suggestions to the narrator for a different skill that could also make sense as the defense. ACTIONS: Can use the crafting skill to form shapes that look like people and objects, but are intangible to the touch.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity to Enter Stance)
STANCE: Elementalist: NullifierThe sensing and suppression of psychic or magical power. For the duration of this stance, you can sense and identify the use of psychic and magic abilities from objects or creatures within your range by using your perception skill. You may spend an action to add a hindering condition to an object, person, or an area of spaces equal to the rank of this skill. Roll your concentration or occult skill against the skill of their power or a challenge rating assigned by the narrator. On a success, anyone with the condition or in an area containing this condition receives a penalty to any skill check using psychic or magic power equal to your impact roll. You can also hold an action to directly oppose the use of a power. If someone uses a power within your range while you are holding your action to suppress a power, then roll your concentration or occult skill against their power's skill. On a success, their power fails and their action does nothing.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity to Enter Stance)
STANCE: Elementalist: SonicThe summoning and manipulation of sound. For the duration of this stance, you can sense and identify aspects of this element within your range by using your perception skill including sounds that are normally outside the range of normal hearing. You may spend an action to use your concentration skill or occult skill to summon or manipulate this element into specific sounds within your range. You can create basic sounds easily, but if you are looking to make a complex sounds like specific voices from people or creatures, you will need to roll a performance skill check against the insight or investigation of anyone hearing the sound. Once you create a sound, you can maintain that sound for as long as you remain in the stance. As an action you can either change the sound, or you can drop the sound form another sound within your range. If you attack with this element, you can use the aim skill, concentration skill, or occult skill to attack. If defending with this element, the defense needs to make sense according to the narrative. For example, if you are defending against a physical object using an intangible element, the Narrator may rule that it is not possible to use this element for that defense. DAMAGE: Direct damage is crushing damage dealing your skill impact dice roll +1. CONDITIONS: conditions are mostly based on utilizing sound such as deafness or sound sickness. Attacks are normally defended by resisting with strength, concentration, or the reaction skill to move out of the way or prevent locking onto the target. The player may of course make other suggestions to the narrator for a different skill that could also make sense as the defense. ACTIONS: Can create or suppress sounds in a space.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity to Enter Stance)
STANCE: Elementalist: SpiritThe summoning and manipulation of spiritual energy. For the duration of this stance, you can sense spirits and spiritual energy at a range of up to 5 spaces per rank by using your perception skill for energy or insight skill for spirits. You may communicate with spirits that you can detect. You can attempt to summon a spirit to you using concentration skill or occult skill against a challenge rating determined by the Narrator. The difficulty is often affected by environment and familiarity of the spirit. For example, summoning a ghost in a graveyard would be much easier than summoning a ghost to an abandoned cave. Summoning a fire spirit to a volcano would be much easier than summoning a fire spirit to an icy tundra. Spirits have a limited ability to manipulate the world around them as determined by the narrator for that particular spirit, but they can be a wealth of information on the right topics. You may attack a character using spiritual energy with concentration skill or occult skill. DAMAGE: Direct damage is psychic damage dealing your skill impact dice roll +1. CONDITIONS: conditions are mostly based on convincing spirits to invoke their abilities on the target in some fashion. Attacks are normally defended with the concentration skill to resist or reaction skill to move out of the way or prevent locking onto the target. The player may of course make other suggestions to the narrator for a different skill that could also make sense as the defense. ACTIONS: Can use charisma skills to communicate with spirits.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity to Enter Stance)
STANCE: Elementalist: StoneThe summoning and manipulation of stone and metal. For the duration of this stance, you can sense aspects of this element within your range by using your perception skill. You may spend an action to use concentration skill or occult skill to summon or manipulate this element within your range into a desired shape. This shape can be up to the size of 1 cubic space and at a range of up to 5 spaces per rank of this stance. You can make basic shapes easily, but if you are looking to make a complex shape like the form of a person, you will need to roll a craft skill check against a challenge rank assigned by the narrator (average: trained 2d6). Once a shape is formed, you can maintain that shape for as long as you remain in the stance. If the form of the element is created as a weapon or a tool, you can hold and wield it as such. As an action you can either move the shape up to 5 spaces plus one space per rank of this stance in any direction, you can change the shape of the element, or you can release your elemental creation and form another one within your range. If you attack with this element, you can use the aim skill or melee combat skill skill as appropriate for the weapon created, or you can use concentration skill or occult skill to attack if summoning the element at the target in its raw form. If defending with this element, you may use melee combat skill, concentration skill, or occult skill as appropriate, but the defense needs to make sense according to the narrative. For example, if you are defending against a physical object using an intangible element, the Narrator may rule that it is not possible to use this element for that defense. DAMAGE: Direct damage is slashing, piercing, or crushing damage depending on the shape of the element and deals damage equal to your skill impact dice roll +2. CONDITIONS: conditions are mostly based on manipulating the stone and metal around the target. Attacks are normally defended with melee shield deflection or reaction skill to move out of the way or prevent locking onto the target. The player may of course make other suggestions to the narrator for a different skill that could also make sense as the defense. ACTIONS: Can move and shape stone and metal.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity to Enter Stance)
STANCE: Elementalist: ThoughtThe manipulation of thought. This ability has not affect on non-sentient beings. For the duration of this stance, you can use concentration skill, occult skill, or insight skill against the target's concentration skill to sense their active thoughts at a range of up to 5 spaces per rank in this stance. You may spend an action to then attempt to manipulate a character's thoughts by using concentration skill or occult skill against the target's concentration skill. If you succeed, you can directly communicate with the character even if you do not understand each others language. Or you can cause the character to hallucinate by seeing and or hearing something that does not exist, or injecting a thought or suggestion into their head and making it seem as if it was their own thought. If the hallucination or thought would seem too unbelievable to the character, then the narrator may give the character an insight skill check against a determined difficulty to see if they would act on it. A character can willingly fail their concentration check if they choose to do so. You may psychically attack a character with this element using concentration skill or occult skill. DAMAGE: Direct damage is psychic damage dealing your skill impact dice roll +2. CONDITIONS: conditions are mostly based on stunning and causing confusion. Attacks are normally defended with the concentration skill to resist or reaction skill to move out of the way or prevent locking onto the target. The player may of course make other suggestions to the narrator for a different skill that could also make sense as the defense. ACTIONS: Can communicate silently even across language barriers and can read surface thoughts.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity to Enter Stance)
STANCE: Elementalist: TimeThe sensing and manipulation of time. For the duration of this stance, you can use your concentration or occult skills against a challenge rank established by the narrator to gain vague knowledge of the future or past of an item, person, or location. You may spend an action to give someone a bonus action on their next turn. You may spend an action to invoke an existing damaging condition to take effect on your action in addition to its normal timing.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity to Enter Stance)
STANCE: Elementalist: WaterThe summoning and manipulation of water and ice. For the duration of this stance, you can sense aspects of this element within your range by using your perception skill. You may spend an action to use concentration skill or occult skill to summon or manipulate this element within your range into a desired shape. This shape can be up to the size of 1 cubic space and at a range of up to 5 spaces per rank of this stance. You can make basic shapes easily, but if you are looking to make a complex shape like the form of a person, you will need to roll a craft skill check against a challenge rank assigned by the narrator (average: trained 2d6). Once a shape is formed, you can maintain that shape for as long as you remain in the stance. If the form of the element is created as a weapon or a tool, you can hold and wield it as such. As an action you can either move the shape up to 5 spaces plus one space per rank of this stance in any direction, you can change the shape of the element, or you can release your elemental creation and form another one within your range. If you attack with this element, you can use the aim skill or melee combat skill skill as appropriate for the weapon created, or you can use concentration skill or occult skill to attack if summoning the element at the target in its raw form. If defending with this element, you may use melee combat skill, concentration skill, or occult skill as appropriate, but the defense needs to make sense according to the narrative. For example, if you are defending against a physical object using an intangible element, the Narrator may rule that it is not possible to use this element for that defense. DAMAGE: Direct damage is slashing, piercing, crushing, or cold damage dealing your skill impact dice roll +1. CONDITIONS: conditions are mostly cold based on hindering movement with cold or causing ongoing damage with frostbite or suffocation. Attacks are normally defended with the strength skill to resist, melee shield deflection, or reaction skill to move out of the way or prevent locking onto the target. The player may of course make other suggestions to the narrator for a different skill that could also make sense as the defense. ACTIONS: Can summon ice shapes and water.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity to Enter Stance)
STANCE: FlightFor the duration of this stance, you can use your athletics skill to fly with physical wings, your concentration skill to fly with a power, or your occult skill to fly with magic. You can move an amount of spaces equal to the rank in this stance + your skill rank.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity to Enter Stance)
STANCE: Ghost FormFor the duration of this stance, you can make a concentration or occult skill check against a trained difficulty to attempt to move through solid objects. While in this stance, you can also use the occult or concentration skill instead of reaction to avoid physical attacks.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity to Enter Stance)
STANCE: Insight DefenderFor the duration of this stance, you can use the insight skill to defend instead of reaction as long as you can see the character that is attacking.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity to Enter Stance)
STANCE: Mystic CombatWhen fighting unarmed, you can use occult to attack and defend by using mystic forces that you control through chants and hand motions. At least one of your hands must be free and empty to make the appropriate symbols.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity to Enter Stance)
STANCE: Pied PiperChoose a type of creature or people to affect (rats, bats, rodents, felines, thieves, foes, etc.). You can use your performance skill against the concentration or insight of the targets. On a success, you can draw them towards or away from the source of music for as long as you continue to spend your actions playing and they are able to hear the music.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity to Enter Stance)
STANCE: Plant SpeakFor the duration of this stance, you may communicate with plant life within range of your voice.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity to Enter Stance)
STANCE: SciFi-ghterWhen wielding a Technology based weapon, you can use your science skill to attack and defend with the weapon as appropriate for the weapon type.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity to Enter Stance)
STANCE: Song of InspirationFor the duration of this stance, you can spend an action to use your performance skill to create Spin for yourself and your allies. Roll your impact plus the number of ranks in this stance to determine how much spin you can assign. When you establish your pool of Spin, you can assign as much as you like to yourself or any allies, but the assigned spin replaces the amount of spin that they currently have, not adds to it, and you cannot assign spin to anyone who has any negative Spin.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity to Enter Stance)
STANCE: Speedster CombatFor the duration of this stance, you can add an amount of spaces to your movement equal to the rolled value of your athletic movement impact dice. While in this stance, you can also use the athletic movement skill instead of the reaction skill to avoid physical or line of sight attacks.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity to Enter Stance)
STANCE: Stealth StrikerWhen using a small concealable melee weapon, attacks and defense can be performed using the stealth skill instead of the melee combat skill.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity to Enter Stance)
STANCE: Tactics CommanderFor the duration of this stance, you can spend an action to use your insight, society, or investigation skill to create Spin for yourself and your allies. Roll your impact plus the number of ranks in this stance to determine how much spin you can assign. When you establish your pool of Spin, you can assign as much as you like to yourself or any allies, but the assigned spin replaces the amount of spin that they currently have, not adds to it, and you cannot assign spin to anyone who has any negative Spin.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity to Enter Stance)
STANCE: TechnomancyYou can mentally link to and manipulate technology and machines at a distance of up to 10 spaces per rank in this stance using your craft or science skill as if it were just another part of your body. Once you connect with a target, you stay linked and in control until you break the connection, move out of range, or switch your link to another technology or machine. If someone else is attempting to control of the technology or machine, such as the security protocol of a computer or the driver of a vehicle, then their is a challenge check of your craft or science skill against the opponent's appropriate skill before you can take any action and the same applies to their attempt to use the same technology or machine.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity to Enter Stance)
STANCE: TelekineticBy using your concentration or occult skill to coalesce mental effort into a physical manifestation of power, you can can perform any action that could normally accomplish through physical touch on an object or character at a distance of up to 10 spaces. This includes striking, grappling, locking, and physically moving the target. Even special actions can be attempted, but if it is not a manifestation of raw power, then it would still require the use of the appropriate skill such as legerdemain to pick a pocket or crafting to pick a lock. When attempting to move an object, just like when normally attempting to move any object physically, telekinesis still requires you to grab the target first. If the character or object could oppose a standard grapple, then they can also oppose a telekinetic grapple and you must first succeed in a grapple action against the character or object before you can move them. All standard grappling rules apply in telekinetic grappling. Grabbing a non opposing target would be only an interaction. Once grabbed, you can move the target by rolling a concentration skill check against the narrator's assigned difficulty based on the target's weight (usually 1d6 for every 250 pounds) and then you can move the target a distance of up to 5 spaces plus one space per rank in this stance as long as it is still within your telekinetic range. When the action is to cause damage (such as striking the target or hurling the target at another target) the damage is equal to the skill impact roll. The type, though normally crushing damage, could be other types depending on the circumstance.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity to Enter Stance)
STANCE: Travel FormYou have another form that you can assume for mobility purposes. You can stay in this form for up to one hour per rank of this talent or until you take any damage. The form has no real combat abilities, but you do gain the form's mode of transportation and special properties. For example, if your form is a fish, you can breathe water and have a swim speed. If it is a hawk you can fly, if it is a mole, you can tunnel, etc. You may take this stance multiple times to have other forms. Work with your narrator to determine the abilities of each form.
(Costs 1 Point of Spin/10acity to Enter Stance)
STANCE: Unorthodox Fighting StyleChoose a skill not ordinarily used for combat. Choose whether you can use this skill for unarmed, melee, aim, or reaction skills. Work with the narrator to determine if there should be any special circumstances for this skill (see other skills such as Dex Fighter and Battle Crafter). For the duration of this stance, you can use this skill in place of the selected skill.
(No Prerequisite)
ENHANCEMENT: Additional ArmsAnother pair of arms. This does not give additional actions, but they can hold additional equipment.
(No Prerequisite)
ENHANCEMENT: AgelessYou are very long lived or possibly do not age at all depending on the narrative of your character.
(No Prerequisite)
ENHANCEMENT: AlchemyYou have discovered how to make Alchemical formulas using the occult skill. You require the formula for the elixer as well as the appropriate components and ingredients. Each elixer takes a different amount of time and required ranks to create.
(Battle Form (applies when in battle form))
ENHANCEMENT: Battle Form > AgilityTBD
(Battle Form (applies when in battle form))
ENHANCEMENT: Battle Form > AquaticYou can breathe in water that would be suitable for a standard fresh or saltwater fish and swim at your movement speed without requiring an athletic roll.
(Battle Form (applies when in battle form))
ENHANCEMENT: Battle Form > ArmorYou have natural armor equal to double your vitality attribute score that regenerates upon a short rest.
(Battle Form (applies when in battle form))
ENHANCEMENT: Battle Form > ClawsYou can climb at your movement speed without requiring an athletic roll and you can also use the claws as a weapon utilizing the unarmed or melee combat skills which deals slashing damage +2 and the ability apply the grapple condition.
(Battle Form (applies when in battle form))
ENHANCEMENT: Battle Form > Natural WeaponYour battle form posesses a melee weapon which uses the unarmed or melee skill. If the weapon is particularly beastial like claws or fangs, the nature skill could also be used for attack and defense rolls. Choose the weapon shape (bite, tail, spines, etc.) and whether deals slashing, piercing, or crushing damage. The weapon has +2 damage and the ability to deliver a hindering or damaging condition of your choice based on the narrative discription of the weapon. The weapon is selected when you purchase the enhancemet. You may select this enhancement multiple times for multiple weapons.
(Battle Form (applies when in battle form))
ENHANCEMENT: Battle Form > ProjectileFire breath, laser eyes, hurled spines... choose a type of projectile element that you can hurl at your targets with the aim skill. The ranged attack has the same damage and condition capabilities as the weapon from the elementalism options,
(Battle Form (applies when in battle form))
ENHANCEMENT: Battle Form > RoarYour vocals increase beyond standard levels and are able to be heard over great distances. Add +1 to intimidation checks.
(Battle Form (applies when in battle form))
ENHANCEMENT: Battle Form > SpeedEither from athletic build or additional legs, You move 2 spaces further.
(Battle Form (applies when in battle form))
ENHANCEMENT: Battle Form > StrengthYou can lift and move 3 times your standard weight.
(Battle Form (applies when in battle form))
ENHANCEMENT: Battle Form > TunnelingYou have a digging speed equal to your movement speed.
(Battle Form (applies when in battle form))
ENHANCEMENT: Battle Form > WingsFor the duration of this stance, you can use your athletics skill to fly with your physical wings. You can move an amount of spaces equal to the rank in this enhancement + the impact generated from your athletics roll. If you ever roll a 5 or below, you are unable to sustain your ability to hover or ascend and can only glide.
(Can only be taken once)
ENHANCEMENT: Dead EyeAdd 1 point of damage to any successful ranged attack that causes damage.
(No Prerequisite)
ENHANCEMENT: Edict MemoryYou do not forget details and you do not need written formulas once you have had enough time to thoroughly review a formula.
(Eidolon Summoning (applies to your eidolon))
ENHANCEMENT: Eidolon > AgilitySee Battle Form
(Eidolon Summoning (applies to your eidolon))
ENHANCEMENT: Eidolon > AquaticSee Battle Form
(Eidolon Summoning (applies to your eidolon))
ENHANCEMENT: Eidolon > ArmorSee Battle Form
(Eidolon Summoning (applies to your eidolon))
ENHANCEMENT: Eidolon > ClimbingSee Battle Form
(Eidolon Summoning (applies to you and your eidolon))
ENHANCEMENT: Eidolon > MeldYou can meld into the body of your eidolon becoming a single being. While in the melded form, you can use either your or your eidolon's skills, but you are limited to the eidolon's special abilities. If your eidolon takes any wound, then the meld ends and you separate from your eidolon again.
(Eidolon Summoning (applies to your eidolon))
ENHANCEMENT: Eidolon > ProjectileSee Battle Form
(Eidolon Summoning (applies to your eidolon))
ENHANCEMENT: Eidolon > Remote SpellweavingIf you have the ability to cast spells, then you can do so through your Eidolon
(Eidolon Summoning (applies to your eidolon))
ENHANCEMENT: Eidolon > RoarSee Battle Form
(Eidolon Summoning (applies to your eidolon))
ENHANCEMENT: Eidolon > Share SensesYou may view the world through your eidolon's senses
(Eidolon Summoning (applies to your eidolon))
ENHANCEMENT: Eidolon > SpeachYour eidolon may speak any languages that you do.
(Eidolon Summoning (applies to your eidolon))
ENHANCEMENT: Eidolon > SpeedSee Battle Form
(Eidolon Summoning (applies to your eidolon))
ENHANCEMENT: Eidolon > StrengthSee Battle Form
(Eidolon Summoning (applies to your eidolon))
ENHANCEMENT: Eidolon > TelepathyYou may communicate telepathically with your eidolon
(Eidolon Summoning (applies to your eidolon))
ENHANCEMENT: Eidolon > TunnelingSee Battle Form
(Eidolon Summoning (applies to your eidolon))
ENHANCEMENT: Eidolon > WeaponSee Battle Form
(Eidolon Summoning (applies to your eidolon))
ENHANCEMENT: Eidolon > WingsSee Battle Form
(No Prerequisite)
ENHANCEMENT: Elemental ResistanceChoose an elemental type (the same options as elementalism stances). You automatically reduce your damage taken from that element by the rank of this enhancement.
(An Elementalist Stance)
ENHANCEMENT: Elemetalist > Quick ChangeYou can change the shape of your summoned element as an interaction instead of an action.
(Spellweaver Ritual Caster)
ENHANCEMENT: FamiliarYou have an intelligent animal companion.
(Familiar (applies to your familiar))
ENHANCEMENT: Familiar > AquaticSee Battle Form
(Familiar (applies to your familiar))
ENHANCEMENT: Familiar > ClimbingSee Battle Form
(Familiar (applies to your familiar))
ENHANCEMENT: Familiar > FlightYour familiar has a fly speed equal to its movement speed.
(Familiar (applies to your familiar))
ENHANCEMENT: Familiar > Share SensesSee eidolon
(Familiar (applies to your familiar))
ENHANCEMENT: Familiar > SpeachSee eidolon
(Familiar (applies to your familiar))
ENHANCEMENT: Familiar > Spell CenterYou can cast your spells from your familiar's location.
(Familiar (applies to your familiar))
ENHANCEMENT: Familiar > TelepathySee eidolon
(No Prerequisite)
ENHANCEMENT: FinsYou can swim at your movement speed without requiring an athletic roll.
(No Prerequisite)
ENHANCEMENT: Focused StrikeChoose an attack type (ranged, melee, elemental, etc) By spending your action to focus on your next action by aiming or charging up your attack, you then generate an additional die of impact if your action is successful on your next action.
(No Prerequisite)
ENHANCEMENT: GillsYou can breathe in water that would be suitable for a standard fresh or saltwater fish.
(Can only be taken once)
ENHANCEMENT: Heavy HandedAdd 1 point of damage to any successful melee attack that causes damage.
(Two or more Stances)
ENHANCEMENT: Multi-StanceChoose two different stances that you would like to activate at the same time. You may spend an additional 2 points of Spin/10acity in order to gain the abilities of both stances at the same time for as long as you remain in the stances. You can still at anytime enter these stances individually if you choose not to combine them.
(No Prerequisite)
ENHANCEMENT: Natural ArmorYou have natural armor equal to your vitality attribute score that regenerates upon a short rest.
(No Prerequisite)
ENHANCEMENT: Natural WeaponChoose a type and an appearance for your natural weapon such as retractable claws, elbow blades, fangs, steel knuckles, electrified fingertips, etc. You can use unarmed or melee weapon skill too attack with the weapon which acts as a weapon that deals +1 damage of the appropriate type.
(Can only be taken once)
ENHANCEMENT: Naturally CharmingAdd 1 point of impact to any successful persuasion or deception check.
(No Prerequisite)
ENHANCEMENT: Naturally FastEither from natural athletic build or additional legs, You move 1 space further.
(No Prerequisite)
ENHANCEMENT: Night VisionYou do not have issues seeing in low light situations.
(No Prerequisite)
ENHANCEMENT: Precise StrikerWhen Attacking with a weapon, you strike more precisely. When rolling multiple dice for attacks, you can change the value of any single die (except the highest rolled die) up or down a number value up to the rank of this skill, limited to the value of the highest rolled die. The objective of this skill is to match dice values to generate spin.
(No Prerequisite)
ENHANCEMENT: ResilientYour starting maximum amount stress is increased by 1. Can be taken multiple times up to the ranking limits of your level.
(No Prerequisite)
ENHANCEMENT: Retractable ClawsYou can climb at your movement speed without requiring an athletic roll and you can also use the claws as a weapon utilizing the unarmed or melee skills which deals slashing damage +1 and the ability apply the grapple condition.
(No Prerequisite)
ENHANCEMENT: Skill SavantChoose a skill. Add 1 point of impact to any successful skill check made with that skill.
(No Prerequisite)
ENHANCEMENT: SleeplessYou need only half the amount of rest as a normal character and your rest is in a semi awake meditative state rather than slumber.
(No Prerequisite)
ENHANCEMENT: Sonar/Blind SightYou can see without any light at all, but limited to a range of spaces equal to your rank in the perception skill.
(No Prerequisite)
ENHANCEMENT: TailYou have a prehensile tail that can be used as another limb.
(Can only be taken once)
ENHANCEMENT: Tech SavvyAdd 1 point of impact to any successful technology based science or crafting check.
(No Prerequisite)
ENHANCEMENT: Telepathic CommunicationYou can send a message directly into the mind of anyone within range (10 spaces per rank). The communication sounds like your voice in their mind and you must speak a language that they know for them to understand you. If you continue to focus your attention on the target, then they may also send a message back. The target can attempt to block the message with an opposed concentration check.
(No Prerequisite)
ENHANCEMENT: TenaciousYour starting maximum amount of tenacity points is increased by 1. This talent can be taken multiple times up to the rank limit of your level.
(No Prerequisite)
ENHANCEMENT: WingsYou can glide short distances equal to half of your movement per round. (Using them for full flight will require the flight stance.)