Armor (Futuristic) +2: Armored ClothingComfortable and often fashionable clothing or uniforms made of damage resistant fibers.
Armor (Futuristic) +3: Flight SuitArmored uniform made of damage resistant fibers and reinforced with thin plasteel plates hidden within the lining in key locations.
Armor (Futuristic) +4: Security PlateArmored suit made of damage resistant fibers overlaid with plasteel plates in key locations.
Armor (Futuristic) +5: Scarab SuitLight and durable plasteel plating covering the body in sections with flexible armored fiber joints.
Armor (Futuristic) +6: Heavy Scarab SuitHeavy plasteel plating covering the body in sections with flexible armored fiber joints.
Armor (Futuristic) +7: Battle SuitA full suit of environmentally sealed durasteel armor with built in heads up display, comms, and electronics.
Armor (Futuristic) +7: Powered Battle SuitA full suit of environmentally sealed durasteel armor with built in heads up display, comms, and electronics. The suit has powered servos throughout which assists in movement and increases the wearer's strength to being able to lift and drag double their usual amount as well as removing any strength or athletic requirements to wear the armor.
Armor +1: FabricMultiple layers of clothing, vests, jackets, cloaks, etc. that provides a small amount of resistance to damage.
Armor +2: Leather/KevlarLeather or kevlar armor that gives a moderate resistance to damage.
Armor +3: Reinforced Leather/KevlarLeather or kevlar reinforced with heavy plastics or steel that gives good resistance to damage.
Armor +4: Chain/WeaveChain links or wire weaved armor that gives good resistance to damage.
Armor +5: ScaleScale armor that gives great resistance to damage.
Armor +6: PlatePlate armor that gives fantastic resistance to damage.
Augmentation: Enhanced QualityAdds +1 to the appropriate skill check when using the equipment.
Augmentation: Flaming WeaponAdds 1 fire damage upon a successful strike for every rank in this augmentation.
Augmentation: Icy WeaponAdds 1 ice damage upon a successful strike for every rank in this augmentation.
Augmentation: Lightning WeaponAdds one 1 electric damage upon a successful strike for every rank in this augmentation.
Augmentation: Momentum WeaponAdds 1 piercing, slicing, or crushing damage depending on the base damage of the weapon upon a successful strike for every rank in this augmentation.
Augmentation: Necrotic WeaponAdds 1 necrotic damage upon a successful strike for every rank in this augmentation.
Augmentation: Psychic WeaponAdds 1 spychic damage upon a successful strike for every rank in this augmentation.
Augmentation: Resistant ArmorChoose and element or damage type, this armor provides 1 resistance to that type of damage for every rank in this augmentation.
Augmentation: Returning WeaponA ranged item will return to the user after striking something or reaching its maximum range unless something prevents its return
Basics: Basic clothesBasic pants, skirts, shirts, shoes, etc.
Basics: BookBlank pages or novel
Basics: Fancy clothesBlack tie gallas and balls
Basics: Nice ClothesDressing up for a night on the town or a nice event
Basics: Stack of Paper/ParchmentNever know when you'll need some paper.
Potion/Chemical: Antitoxin
Potion/Chemical: Heavy Stress BoosterCan only use any stress booster once per day without negative consequences. If used again, roll strength or concentration against a number of d6 challenge dice equal to the amount of doses taken. On a failed check, fall unconscious for an amount of rounds equal to 1d4 for every dose taken and recieve no benefit from the boost.
Potion/Chemical: Heavy Stress Recovery
Potion/Chemical: Light Stress BoosterCan only use any stress booster once per day without negative consequences. If used again, roll strength or concentration against a number of d6 challenge dice equal to the amount of doses taken. On a failed check, fall unconscious for an amount of rounds equal to 1d4 for every dose taken and recieve no benefit from the boost.
Potion/Chemical: Light Stress Recovery
Potion/Chemical: Moderate Stress BoosterCan only use any stress booster once per day without negative consequences. If used again, roll strength or concentration against a number of d6 challenge dice equal to the amount of doses taken. On a failed check, fall unconscious for an amount of rounds equal to 1d4 for every dose taken and recieve no benefit from the boost.
Potion/Chemical: Moderate Stress Recovery
Potion/Chemical: Tenacity BoosterCan only use any tenacity booster once per day without negative consequences. If used again, roll strength or concentration against a number of d6 challenge dice equal to the amount of doses taken. On a failed check, fall unconscious for an amount of rounds equal to 1d4 for every dose taken and recieve no benefit from the boost.
Shield +3: Large ShieldA large shield held in one hand that can be used to block ranged attacks and gives a bonus to stress. When you would take a point of wound, you can instead choose to let the shield take the wound instead of you and then it immediately destroys the shield.
Shield +2: Medium ShieldA medium shield held in one hand that can be used to block ranged attacks and gives a bonus to stress. When you would take a point of wound, you can instead choose to let the shield take the wound instead of you and then it immediately destroys the shield.
Shield +1: Small ShieldA small shield strapped to your arm that gives a small bonus to stress. When you would take a point of wound, you can instead choose to let the shield take the wound instead of you and then it immediately destroys the shield.
Shield (Futuristic): Force ShieldA round energy shield that can be ignited at variable sizes from a special band worn on the forearm and can be used to block ranged attacks and gives a bonus to stress. When you would take a point of wound, you can instead choose to let the shield take the wound instead of you and then it immediately short circuits and must be repaired before it can be used again.
Shield (Futuristic): Ballistic ShieldThick plasteel or thin durasteel shield for melee defense that can be used to block ranged attacks and gives a bonus to stress. When you would take a point of wound, you can instead choose to let the shield take the wound instead of you and then it immediately destroys the shield.
Special: Thermal Vision Goggles
Special: Spider Boots & Gloves
Special: Shield AmuletThe amulet adds 1 point to your stress for as long as you wear it. When you would take a point of wound, you can instead choose to let the amulet take the wound instead of you and then it immediately shatters.
Special: Power EnhancerAdds 1 damage of the appropriate type upon a successful strike from a special ability for every rank in this augmentation.
Special: Night Vision Goggles
Special: Mana CrystalStores 1 point of mystic energy for every rank of the crystal. The energy can be used to cast spells in the place of 10acity or Spin. Mana Crystals regain one poing of mystic energy every dawn.
Special: Gravity BeltCan alter gravity's effects on you by cutting it in half and allowing you to jump higher, further, and fall slower. Or you can double it to make yourself more heavy and more difficult to move.
Special: Expanse Quick BeltCarry much more than a standard quick belt with a pocket dimensional space that is as large as a small closet and can still be used to hold and retrieve items quickly (retrieve as part of your action).
Special: Expanse PackCarry much more than a standard pack with a pocket dimensional space that is as large as a small room. It takes 1 action to retrieve any item stored in the Expanse Pack
Special: Eidolon MannequinAn eidolon mannequin can be used when summoning an eidolon. Anything equipped on the mannequin will be automatically equipped by the eidolon if it is summoned in the location of the mannequin
Survival (future): Survival DomeA large thin disc about half a space wide that when activated unfolds into a 4 person dome with heating and cooling properties to allow you to survive in hostile environments for up to a week.
Survival (future): Thermal CloakA cloak and hood that can strap and seal around the body and head supplying heating and cooling to allow you to survive in hostile environments for up to a week.
Survival (future): Vac Suit
Survival (modern): Breath Mask
Survival (modern): Distress Beacon
Survival: Camouflage Netting
Survival: Canteen/Water Skin
Survival: Daily Food Ration
Tools: Quick BeltA belt with weapon straps and quick access pouches that can be used to hold and retrieve items quickly (retrieve as part of your action).
Tools: PackCarry more than what you can store in your pockets or on a belt. It takes 1 action to retrieve any item stored in the pack.
Tools: Musical Instrument
Tools: Med KitAll of the basic equipment needed to treat wounds and conditions on the go.
Tools: Mechanics KitAll of the basic tools needed to work on mechanical devices.
Tools: LockpicksA complete set of picks for circumventing physical locks.
Tools: Handcuffs/Manacles
Tools: Forensics KitEquipment needed to examine a scene for clues
Tools: Daily AccessoriesThese are the sorts of daily use items that someone would have in your pockets, purse, backpack, etc. As long as you have this item you have access to the usual things anyone would need or want on a daily basis. Primarily used cosmetic or roleplay with some additional functionality. Examples include: sunglasses, comb, brush, matches, lighter, pen/pencil, notepad, makeup, spectacles, handkerchief, toothpicks, gum, mints, deck of cards, dice, mini flashlight, etc.
Tools: Craftsman Kit (choose craft)All the basic tools needed to perform a specific craft.
Tools: Binoculars/SpyglassAble to see far away objects.
Tools (modern): Wireless EarbudsWireless earbuds that can hook into a communication device like a smart phone for hands free listening and communication.
Tools (modern): Surveilience KitPortable cameras, microphones, and motion detectors for remote surveillance.
Tools (modern): SpotlightA large flashlight that can light up
Tools (modern): Smart phone
Tools (modern): Police Scanner
Tools (modern): Motorized Skateboard / RollerbladesAllows a character to use their athletics skill to roll at speeds of up to 10 spaces for short distances or up to 30 miles/50km per hour over long distances for a total of up to 4 hours of use before requiring refueling/recharge.
Tools (modern): Metal Detector Wand
Tools (modern): Hacker's KitAn set of equipment and programs needed to circumvent electronic and digital security.
Tools (modern): Geo Tracker
Tools (modern): Encrypted CommsDedicated encrypted channel communications device complete with hands free earpiece.
Tools (modern): Electricians KitAll of the basic tools needed to work on electronics and wires.
Tools (modern): Covert Surveilience KitMini video and audio recorders designed to be innocuous objects like buttons and pens.
Tools (modern): ComputerLaptop or tower
Tools (modern): Communications JammerA portable device for jamming local wireless communications
Tools (modern): Climbing GearHarness, rope, belay device, helmet, gloves, shoes, belay device, carabiners, etc. for safely climbing tall objects
Tools (modern): 2-way Radio
Tools (futuristic): Weapon ScannerDetects hidden weapons and demolitions.
Tools (futuristic): Rocket BootsAllows a character to jump long distances or use their pilot skill to fly at speeds of up to 10 spaces for short distances or up to 30 miles/50km per hour over long distances for a total of up to 1 hour of use before requiring refueling/recharge.
Tools (futuristic): Multilanguage TranslatorAn earpiece that translates incoming languages to a language of your choice and a small short range wireless speaker that translates what you speak to a language of choice.
Tools (futuristic): Mini AmplifierA small button sized device that can amplify vocals or a synced electronic's sound to be heard over long distances.
Tools (futuristic): Medical ScannerUse your medical skill to run various medical diagnostics through various optics and sensors allowing you to determine blood toxins, diseases, viruses, organ performance, bone and muscle structure, etc.
Tools (futuristic): Liquid RopeA small container that can spray out up to 1000 feet of thin but incredibly strong synthetic rope
Tools (futuristic): Jet PackAllows a character to use their pilot skill to fly at speeds of up to 10 spaces for short distances or up to 60 miles/100km per hour over long distances for a total of up to 3 hours of use before requiring refueling/recharge.
Tools (futuristic): HoverboardAllows a character to use their athletics skill to hover over the ground at heights of up to 15 feet / 5 meters and at speeds of up to 10 spaces for short distances or at up to 60 miles/100km per hour over long distances for a total of up to 4 hours of use before requiring refueling/recharge.
Tools (futuristic): Environmental ScannerUse your science skill to run various environmental diagnostics through various optics and sensors allowing you to determine environmental factors such as temperature, gravity, presure, quality of air, water soil, plantlife, etc.
Tools (Astral Tide): AstralmeterDetects amount of astral activity in an area.
Tools (Astral Tide): Astral VisorAllows limited view into the astral realm akin to infravision.
Weapon +3: Large Slicing MeleeClaymores, great swords, scythes, glaives, etc.
Weapon +3: Large Piercing MeleeSpears, pikes, lances, etc.
Weapon +3: Large Blunt MeleeStaff, maul, etc.
Weapon +2: Whip SwordA long sword that can shift into a bladed whip for extra reach.
Weapon +2: Medium Slicing MeleeLong swords, scimitars, axes, large sickles, etc.
Weapon +2: Medium Piercing MeleeRapiers, short spears, etc.
Weapon +2: Medium Blunt MeleeHammer, mace, club, stick, etc.
Weapon +2: Large Piercing RangedBows, crossbows, rifles, etc.
Weapon +1: Small Slicing MeleeKnives, hatchets, small sickles, razors, knuckle blades, claws, etc.
Weapon +1: Small Piercing RangedHand crossbows, pistols, etc.
Weapon +1: Small Piercing MeleeDaggers, stilettos, spikes, etc.
Weapon +1: Small Blunt MeleeSap, mallet, knuckle dusters, fan, rock, etc.
Weapon +1: Piercing Flexible WeaponRope dart, etc.
Weapon +1: Flexible WeaponWhips, chains, etc.
Weapon +1: Combat gloves/boots
Weapon +1: Bladed Flexible WeaponChain sickles, etc.
Weapon (Modern) +1: Holdout PistolA small compact pistol easily hidden and designed with a quick extension holster that can extend out from a sleeve for a quick surprise shot.
Weapon (Modern) : Grenade
Weapon (Futuristic): Shock Grenade
Weapon (Futuristic): Plasma Grenade
Weapon (Futuristic) +5: Laser Sword
Weapon (Futuristic) +4: Large Vibro Melee
Weapon (Futuristic) +3: Plasma Pistol
Weapon (Futuristic) +3: Medium Vibro Melee
Weapon (Futuristic) +2: Small Vibro Melee
Weapon (Futuristic) +2: Plasma Rifle
Weapon (Futuristic) +2: Laser Pistol
Weapon (Futuristic) +2: Electric Whip
Weapon (Futuristic) +1: Laser Rifle
Weapon (Astral Tide): Astral GrenadeReleases an area of effect astral pulse in an area.
Weapon (Astral Tide) +5: Astral LashWeapon of the Astral Divers. A short rod that streams astral energy from one end. In its raw form, the energy resembles a whip that can be used like the physical weapon of the same name. But using their abilities, Delvers they can change the energy of the whip to become any shape they need at the time from swords to shields and any other shape required.
Weapon (Astral Tide) +2: Astral PulserA short range rifle that can send pulses of astral energy that can affect the astral realm.
Weapon (Astral Tide) +1: Astral BlasterA short range pistol that can send a blast of astral energy that can affect the astral realm.